Lenormand Cards

About Lenormand Decks

Lenormand Cards


Lenormand decks, with their intriguing history and distinctive approach to cartomancy, offer a fascinating alternative to the more widely known Tarot. They provide a unique lens through which to view and interpret the world around us, grounded in symbolism derived from everyday experiences..

Deeper Dive into the History and Evolution of Lenormand Decks

While the Lenormand cards bear the name of the famous French fortune-teller Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand, their creation actually postdates her. The decks were named in her honor, acknowledging her significant influence in the realm of divination.

The first decks emerged in Germany during the 19th century and were initially known as “Das Spiel der Hoffnung” (The Game of Hope). These early versions of the Lenormand deck were more aligned with a game than a tool for divination. It was only later that the cards were repurposed for fortune-telling, leading to the Lenormand decks we know today.

Anatomy of the Lenormand Deck

Each card in the Lenormand deck is numbered and features a distinct symbol. The imagery is straightforward but rich in meaning. For example, The Ship (Card 3) often signifies travel or progress, while The Tower (Card 19) can represent isolation or authority. These symbols, rooted in everyday objects and concepts, are designed to be direct and easily interpretable, as opposed to the more abstract and esoteric imagery found in Tarot.

Nuances of Reading Lenormand Cards

One of the key aspects that set Lenormand readings apart from Tarot is the focus on card combinations. In Lenormand, single cards offer limited information; their true meanings are revealed through their interactions with other cards. This relational interpretation requires a deep understanding of the individual symbols and how they might complement or contradict each other in a spread.

Popular Spreads and Their Uses

While the “Grand Tableau” using all 36 cards is the most comprehensive spread, offering a panoramic view of a person’s life, other smaller spreads are widely used. The three-card spread, for example, is popular for its simplicity and efficiency in providing quick insights. There’s also the five-card spread, offering a balance between the detail of the Grand Tableau and the conciseness of smaller layouts.

The Cultural and Artistic Aspect of Modern Lenormand Decks

The aesthetic diversity of modern Lenormand decks is a testament to the ongoing evolution and adaptability of these cards. Artists and creators worldwide have infused traditional Lenormand imagery with cultural, historical, and stylistic elements, creating decks that resonate with various groups and individuals. This variety not only makes the Lenormand decks a fascinating subject for collectors but also allows practitioners to choose a deck that personally resonates with them.

The Enduring Appeal of the Lenormand Decks

The Lenormand deck stands out in the world of divination for its simplicity, directness, and the distinctive way it encourages readers to weave stories from the relationships between cards. Its growing popularity reflects a broader trend of exploring traditional wisdom and divinatory practices. Whether used for personal reflection, decision-making, or simply as a means to connect with a centuries-old tradition, Lenormand decks offer a unique and enriching experience for those who seek to explore their mysteries.

For Further Research and Education:

Reading Lenormand involves a structured approach combining individual card meanings, the relationships between cards, the combined meanings, and context.

To learn how to read with the Lenormand, I would strongly suggest reading “The Essential Lenormand: Your Guide to Precise & Practical Fortunetelling“, by Rana George.


Artist |  + posts

I am a Fractal Artist, Photo and A.I. Manipulation enthusiast, Cartomancy and Playing Card Designer, T-Shirt Artist, Layout Artist, Curator of Questionable Taste and a Songwriter/Singer/Sound Engineer for the band known as The Plastic Bastards